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Pure Gases


Chemtane 2 gas is a new generation cutting fuel that is more economical, environment friendly and safer than acetylene and other fuel gases. Chemtane 2's performance offers the consistency and reliability not usually associated with other products.

Product Features and Benefits:

  • Reduces fuel cost up to 50%
  • High cutting speed, reducing labor
  • Equal oxygen consumption
  • Reduced handling and storage
  • Reduced change out time
  • Extremely high flame temperature
  • Minimum slag and weldback
  • Burns clean - no soot or smoke
  • Limited torch backfire
  • Narrow explosive limits
  • Stable, not sensitive to shock
  • Non-toxic, odorized for detection
As a Gas
Acetylene Propylene Propane Natural Gas
Flame Temperature in Oxygen - Degrees F *5800+ 5589 5295 4579 4600
Heating Values: BTUs per cu. ft. 2810 1470 2371 2510 1050
BTUs per pound 24,812 21,315 21,864 21,636 24,780
Cu. Ft. per pound of gas (or liquid) 8.83 14.5 8.89 8.62 23.6
Wt. Compared to air 1.5 0.91 1.47 1.52 0.55
Limits of Flammability in air - % 2.3-9.4 2.5-80.0 2.0-11.1 2.4-9.6 5.3-14.0
Toxicity None Low Low Low Low
Reactivity Low Copper & Silver Alloys Low Low Low
Backfire Tendency Low High Slight Low Low
Max. Pressure Cylinder 15psi Cylinder Cylinder Supply
Shock Sensitivity Stable Unstable Stable Stable Stable
As a Liquid
Acetylene Propylene Propane Natural Gas
Wt. Per Gallon-lbs. 4.24 - 4.35 4.23 -
Boiling Point - Degrees F -43.6 -81 -47 -44 -250
At 70 Degrees F generates vapor pressure of 120 psi - 130psi 120psi -
Shock Sensitivity Stable Unstable Stable Stable Stable

Chemtane cylinders are available for delivery to your facility or jobsite. Alternatively, cylinders can be picked up via will call at our Long Beach and Ontario branch stores.

For more information about Encore's Chemtane supply services, please…